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City Evolution 


Construction, demolition and adaptation are natural processes within a city. Each is required to maintain a sufficient amount, variety and quality of building stock to meet a population’s demands. For a city to be sustainable a balance between the rates of each process needs to be achieved.


During a city’s evolution, the hierachy of decision‐making will have a profound affect on the scale and speed with which these three key processes take place, and the impact on the composition, quality and adaptability of the building stock.


The position of different sectors through history in this hierachy  (from planning, transport and housing to conservation, energy, communities) has, and will continue to impact, on the way in which cities evolve.  


Energy efficiency, longevity, adaptability, usefulness, attractivenss, ease of retrofit and uniqueness are predicted to become the primary factors in smart cities, determining long term building’s survival.  


Big data and new technologies are anticipated to be used more widely to calibrate the rates of construction, adaptation and demolition to meet specific social, economic and environmental goals.


In this section we look at the way in which past, present and future can be better connected Interest in evolution animations that enable us to rapidly view long temporal patterns, 4D GIS and the use of historical spatial data and machine learning to predict the geolocation of change are expected to grow. 

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